The result was interesting. (see text in the red 'rectangle')

Face it Yahoo, you can never do a Google.
p.s. Friends account was not on Flickr. So I got some tarty comments about having no time to go through her neighbors puppies mundan ceremony. Apparently he had a skin problem and had to be shaved.
Friend is right! I am a bad bad girl who does not deserve a pal like her! *sniff*
hehe...if it makes you feel any better...I lost the link too.
Nats: You are lucky! No more comments! :p
Rectangle Chaudhary is hilarious! =)) Now your friend has a nickname!
As they say with Yahoo, You Always Have Other Options :)
This is blog abuse so you may well delete the comment but I couldn't resist a hat tip to 'All guys calling Tiger Woods a loser, are wannabe/failed Casanovas in moralist clothing! :p'
Lol'ing at the blog and the Tiger Woods observation (thanks karthik)! :-))
Karthik: lol! That is a cool nick for Yahoo, though I think Yahoo News is really good. And no such thing as blog abuse on the comment on my Tweet. I am fed up of guys treading the moral ground to satiate their jealousy! :p
Merill: Thanks girl! :)
I am still laughing and scratching my head trying to figure out how gitanjali became rectangle!
On a word document (at least till few months back), if you type "Obama", it corrects you saying "hello.. it is OSAMA". However I guess Microsoft was summoned to the White House to make necessary edits after which they sorted it out! :)
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