Thursday, September 13, 2007


Like most average girls, I have also grumbled about the restrictions of being a girl. I always thought boys had it easy. They didn't have to worry about bad hair days, broken nails, pimples, blotchy complexion, PMS, mothers etc etc etc. But after reading this post I am totally over the feeling of self pity.

Girls, you don't know how lucky we are!!


Anonymous said...


That was an absolutely funny read.

Tch tch tch.. yep girls are lucky aren't they :P

Adorable Pancreas said...

We're better off than mere men? I'm not that surprised. :)

Amey said...

Ahem... the only things boys would be proud in calling small are their cellphones and... OK, that's it.

As you said, Movie industry is as hard on men as on women ;)

Abhi said...

Some issues make men look worse than women. But then i've felt that most times am the lucky one @ home, compared to my sister. As Fleiger said, its only the cell phone where men would proudly say " Mine's smaller than yours "! The link and the other posts in the blog were a good read!

Alexis said...

ROTFL... It was an excellent post. Thanks for the link...

Annemarie said...


silverine said...

J:"yep girls are lucky aren't they" lol!!!

AP: After reading that post I can confidently say that we are definitely better off than them :)

fleiger: :p

Abhi: Yes we do not enjoy the freeedoms a guy takes for granted.

Alexis: You are welcome :)

Annie: :p I got your mail ROFL!!!

Anonymous said...

The post you linked was hilarious. Well I always felt we were better off than the guys , atleast size is not something we worry our heads about :-)

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

that could be a joke to you, but you dont know how traumatizing it can be - that first real movie you watch with friends.
And that had left a bunch of us with such deflated egos when we were twelve. :)

Amey said...

From what I can deduce, the male preoccupation with "size" must date back to hunter-gatherer days. I mean, a mammoth can provide only a fixed amount of skin, right?